I'm not sure there's anything that brings on nostalgia quicker than the sounds and smells of your childhood! It hits me every time I pull out the serger... for some reason the sewing machine doesn't quite smell the same way!
I've been working on this project for awhile - too long - and since Kyrie wanted to be able to wear it for her school Christmas program, I figured I'd better get moving on it!
This pair of Jeans caught her eye while were were "back to school shopping" - I thought they were cute but I don't think there's anything modest about "skinny jeans" on a 7 yr old so I bought them with the plans to make them into a skirt! Found just the perfect Corduroy at Joann's Fabrics and an idea was born!
Here's pictures of most of the process. Kyrie & I were both happy with the finished product! =)

you mentioned birthday, surely mine is on your calendar ;)
Love the skirt btw!
This is darling! I like the back, usually they are a big V pointing to the behind. ;)
I have a pile of really nice pants and jeans that I can't get rid of, but want to figure out what to do with them (since I started wearing all skirts and dresses). I may have to try this. I'll practice for a couple before trying mine. ;)
I love this! What a fabulous idea :) I am not thinking all kinds of ruffled fabrics would work...What a great way to use jeans :D Thanks for sharing!
This is so cute!! I have made ,literally, hundreds of the jeans to skirts outfits for ladies in our church... I never thought to ruffle it. I love it!
darling. could this be done without a serger?
How fun to be getting comments from Pinterest!!!
Lena, It absolutely can be done without a serger, just be sure to finish the seams somehow (liquid fray check works good!), otherwise you will have a mess when you wash it!
This is sooooo cute!! Forget about one for my daughter, I want one for me! She would be cute in one too :) Great job! I am going to have to try this sometime!
My goodness, this is absolutely adorable!!! I have pinned this, and I can't wait to make one myself. I love the fabrics you used too... so fun! Thanks for a great idea!
Rachel @ SunScholars.com
Thanks for the great idea!!! I'll be doing this to a pair of jeans this week, after a trip to Joann's for some cute fabric! :)
Love this idea! Can't wait to try it. Thanks so much for sharing. xxx
So cute
Hi, I am with Sage Magazine and we would love to feature this in our April issue. Just let us know if you are interested. Thank you! sagemagazineonline@gmail.com, sagemagazineonline.com
I love it!!! I have been working on turning jeans into skirts for me.. but never added any ruffles yet... This has made me want too!!! :) Glad I ran across your blog! Feel free to follow mine too!! God Bless!
great great great idea! I will try to make one!
Now I know another use for the ladies' sized, short, ruffle skirts I found at thrift store--cut up for instant ruffles for this skirt!! Thanks for posting. Making ruffle purses for our girls too.
I love how you have coordinated the ruffle with the embroidery, such a great idea.
Just though you might want to know that this image has been stolen from you. I have tried to contact them about an image that was stolen from my blog as well but they have not responded. I figured if enough people complain then maybe they will stop.
This is great idea. I want to make some for myself and will also be saving so can make for my granddaughter when she is older.
Hi! I absolutely LOVE this idea! Would you mind posting or emailing directions for a VERY new beginner sewer? I would love to attempt to make my girls (ages 4 and 6) one of these. Thanks so much!
Hi! Adorable skirt! I just made one for my daughter, minus the ruffle all around the bottom. I can't quite tell from the pictures what you sewed the hem ruffle to as you went across the inserted ruffle. Does a little of the denim hang down behind the ruffle and did you sew it to that? Thanks so much, and great choice of fabrics. =)
sublime bravo
te robé la idea y me quedó muy linda la pollera. Muchas gracias por la explicación! Besos
Hi, I'm new to this sewing thing how did you get the fabric to be kind of crimped? also the denim you used in the middle where did that come from? Sorry I just couldn't figure that out from the pictures... Thank you
Hi there! The "crimped" looking fabric is a light weight corduroy fabric, it is more readily found in the fall but you might find some great clearance sales on it this spring!
The denim in the middle comes from the legs that I cut off. Happy Sewing!
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