Tuesday, November 4, 2008

all messed up!

Is my layout all messed up to anyone else?! It's driving me nuts and I can't figure out how to fix it!


Heather said...

you mean your picture and about me section and blog list and stuff at the bottom of the page, instead of along the side?

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's at the bottom for me too - but I have no idea how you fix it, sorry!

Lynisha Weeda said...

Ok, at least it's not just me! Off to see if I can fix the bug!

The J's said...

all scrambled! happy fixing :*P

Dalayna said...

It's driving me nuts too.
But if I can't figure out why mine is screwed up, I don't think I can help with yours.

Jim Weeda said...

you might just have to select a new template! =P

Lynisha Weeda said...

tried that hon!

Jim Weeda said...

Looks like you got it fixed?

Lynisha Weeda said...

Yeah, I removed the mp3 player from Kyrie's birthday post so there wasn't 2 going at the same time, and that took care of it! I was worried it would mess up again when I posted the one on your birthday post but it didn't!