I couldn't leave # 2 out!
1. Were you married at the time?
Yes /
Same2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant?
Excitement! / Same!3. How old were you?
22 /24
4. How did you find out you were pregnant?
Home pregnancy test /
HPT5. Who did you tell first?
Jim / Jim6. Did you want to find out the sex?
No / Yes!7. Due date?
November 4th / February 18th
8. Did you deliver early or late?
4 days early / 1 day early9. Did you have morning sickness?
Not the throw-up kind, just the not feeling good kind. / Same
10. What did you crave?
Food! / Food!11. Who irritated you the most?
Nobody /
My Doctor!12. What was your first child's sex?
Girl / Boy
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy?
26 / 26
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
Nothing that wasn't "normal" for my body./ "Dr. induced hypertension" AKA: nothing that wasn't "normal" for my body.
15. Where did you give birth?
At a hospital with a Midwife / At home
16. How many hours were you in labor?
8 hours / 1 hour 15 minuets17. Who drove you to the hospital?
Jim / No one!
18. Who watched?
Jim, Mom, M-I-L, Dalayna / Jim, Mom, M-I-L19. Was it natural or c-section?
Natural all the way / Natural all the way.20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain?
No / Water! (water birth)
21. How much did your child weigh?
7 lbs 14 oz / 7 lbs 14 oz!
22. What did you name him/her?
Kyrie Nicole /
Trey Elliot23. How old is your baby today?
3 years, 11 months /
1 year 8 months24. Where were you when your water broke?
Cooking Chili in the Kitchen/Sleeping in bed.