I've been feeling the itch lately to pull my new (to me) sewing machine and serger out and put them to good use! I've been drooling over several sewing blogs and tutorials and then last month I stopped in at Joanns and bought some adorable fabric. It's been rainy and wet the last few days so I decided it was time to start creating! I did most of it yesterday and last night and when Kyrie saw it she was begging for me to finish it so she could wear it to school. I finished it about 11:40 - in time for her to wear it to school at 12:05!
Here's the tutorial if you're interested!

It's great for twirling too!


I would do a few things different next time... the tutorial doesn't say anything about what to do with the pockets in the back when you're cutting off the jeans, and I didn't want to pull them off so I just left the tops intact, took the seams out of the bottom part and then hemmed them under when the rest was done.
Next time, I'll make the denim part shorter so it's not so tight on her hips. But all in all, I really like it!
(and THANK YOU to those who donated old jeans for this project!!!)