Friday, October 10, 2008

Nice hair!

Kyrie got some new hair clips from the house fairy last week, and she's been very "into" doing her own hair. After she pulled them all off the cardboard, she informed me that SHE was doing her hair today and that I couldn't help! Here's what she came up with! (except she DID ask for help getting the hair sticks in the back - she couldn't get them to stay!)


  1. I'm impressed. She's going to be quite the little hairdresser, I'd say. Cute, cute, cute!

  2. Aww, that's cute! I remember when I decided I was old enough to do my own hair...I'm sure it didn't turn out looking this good though!

  3. LOL remind you of Kaela much. At least Kaela started out a little simpler. This girl has high expectations already.
