Sunday, October 5, 2008

Boy on the run

2 weeks ago I took the kids to the park in hopes of getting some nice pictures of them while the flower gardens are still in full bloom. The weather was beautiful but I didn't take Trey's "won't sit still" into account! The second I got him situated and got behind the camera, it was time to run! He loves looking at the picture as soon as I snapped it but he's so impatient that he doesn't even wait for me to "snap it" anymore! It was a fun evening anyway, and I DID get some pictures that captured his personality! That's what it's all about, right?!


  1. It certainally does capture his personality!! Beautiful backgrounds.... :*) Actually you got some very cute ones in spite of it. He might look more like Morgen, but he sure acts like Ryan did!!

  2. Those are so cute!
    Jessi does the same thing.. She wants to see what's on the camera SO bad!

  3. These are hilarious! And cute. Seems we all know what that's like! I will be trying to get a 1 year old shot... and she's on the move also! Should be interesting!

  4. Ah you hit is personality right on the button or at least you would have if he had stoped long enough LOL. He is a great little guy and those are some cute picts. I found some Kyrie movies on my computer I am going to try to put up for her birthday.

  5. Adair and Baylen love to see themselves on the camera, too.
    Those are cute pics!!
    I would have loved to do something similar this fall, but would be really challenging with a tiny baby and 2 boys who won't sit still - Baylen more so!
