Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

It was a BEAUTIFUL Mother's day, even though it was too hot for May 8th! 
(90something - but I'm trying not to complain!)
  Our wonderful little Sunday morning Meeting started having a Mother's Day brunch 4 years ago - guys/dads cook - and it has continued each year since! Us Mom's feel quite spoiled and enjoy every moment of it!

I am reminded, on this special day (and most other days as well!), that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for! 

She makes my heart smile!!!
Well, they both do - and it's usually more of a laugh, but He's not quite as into Mother's Day as she is!

  Hope yours was a day filled with joy!
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  1. Yes, your group of guys could definately give lessons! :) Of course if you came home, then maybe Jim could teach these guys! Well, the boys did bring the drinks, Ryan the pies, & Derek flowers for me. Dad cooked the steaks & Morgen peeled the potatoes, so that was pretty good for starters!
    The card from Kyrie is great! Love it!!
    The picture...Wow! I really really love it!

  2. How awesome to have a Mother's Day brunch fixed by the men! The card from Kyrie is really precious.

  3. This day has sweetness written all over it! Happy Mothers Day to you...a day late. ;-)
