Thursday, April 23, 2009

the scene out our window at 5am

Jim woke up a little before 5 this morning and took the fan out of the window because it was getting a bit chilly in the bedroom. He shut the window and curtains and went back to bed. That's Trey's normal time to wake up and come up to our bed and nurse, so he was just coming up the stairs. I decided to use the bathroom before going back to sleep (no, 5 am is NOT my waking time!) I noticed that there were flashing red lights through a crack in the curtains and asked Jim about it but he just said there's a police car with it's lights on outside. Not all that strange considering our neighbor is a police man, but enough to get my curiosity up! So I went to the window and saw THIS scene and I said to Jim, "more like a fire across the street!" They hadn't been there a few minuets before when he shut the window! The crazy lady that I am had to go downstairs, load my memory card back into my camera, change to my wide angle lens and take a picture! I wanted to wake Kyrie up so she could see it because we've been talking a lot about fire safety, but I decided to let her sleep and see the picture later!
Glad it wasn't our house! I don't think the damage was extensive, it looked like it might have been limited to the "attic" on the porch but don't know for sure!
Good reminder to test the smoke detectors and teach those little ones about fire safety and have a fire plan!!!


  1. Amazing how something so useful and lovely (think: grilling and toasted marshmellows)can turn into something so terrible.
    I can still hear the heart-rending sound of my mom's voice over my husband's walkie-talkie saying, "are you there, are you there?...Our shop is on fire! and I am NOT kidding!"
    Besides practicing/teaching fire prevention we better all give a prayer of thanks for our local firemen.

  2. Being a "survivor" of our house burning down when I was a kid, I NEVER want to have to go thru that again, or have my kids have to either. (NOT that I would want anyone to have to!!)

  3. Am I crazy? I can't see the fire. I'm assuming it's out? Sounds like it was an exciting morning. ;) Maxine, how awful. I can't even imagine.

  4. You're not crazy, Lani, I never did see the fire! But there's lots of black smoke on the porch, mostly in the corner where the fire fighters were standing, this morning!

  5. Oh, that's one thing I have nightmares about, seriously! Had a fire in our house too when I was a teenager, not bad, but still scary. We have good fire alarms, and a fire plan, and have talked at least to Adair about it.
    Yes, glad for firefighters!

  6. Wow, it is a good reminder isn't it.

    We had the same thing happen in January across the street from us. The garage burned to the ground. The neighbors dogs woke up everyone including the people in the house. The house didn't start on fire. We got to drive by the black skeleton mess for a couple months. Now they have a huge new pole barn/garage in it's place. Much nicer to see. But a good reminder to check things out and have a fire plan right? It definitely made an impression on my kids!

  7. Isn't it time you update this sad old blog???

  8. lol! I've been thinking the same thing. And not only this one, but several other family members too! I've even gotten requests to pass on to Mark to update HIS :D
