Saturday, February 28, 2009

Plays well with others

Of course it helps that he's willing to play HER kind of games! He'll hate me for it someday but he was so cute and WANTED to dress up with sissy. What do you do?!


  1. Awww! That's so cute!!! I love it how he plays tea=party with her & polly pockets! I have the cutest picture of Uncle Vee & Auntie Lu dressed up.

  2. that is cute! hey, if they can play well together, and he wants to play dress-up, great, you just let 'em!

  3. I'm waiting to see his Dad's comment! Cute!

  4. Thats cute and you know she does race cars with him also.

  5. LOL!!! :)Yeah... I was wanting to know Jim's comments too...

  6. I think his Daddy thought it was funny until he saw the picture on my blog!

  7. Nish,
    It must be "the thing to do" when you are the little brother because L. has done that lots of times too! He loves to wear her shoes too! :)

  8. lol! i don't know that i ever had andy dressed up like that, but he definitely played dolls and i played cars!
