Monday, July 21, 2008

Bike riding!

Kyrie has been talking about getting a bike for about 6 months now, so we decided it was time to give in and get her one. She picked out a pretty purple princess bike from Walmart. Unfortunately it was short lived because for some reason, she simply couldn't ride it! Then a few weeks ago when we spent the 4th at Jim's parents, they had a "Kyrie size" bike and she tried and tried to ride that with no luck either! We started looking into "nice" (read expensive) bikes and decided maybe that would make a difference. In the mean time, we found one used here in town for $15.00 and decided that was worth a shot. Nope! No luck with that one either!!! I was beginning to think she was just that un-coordinated or something, but Saturday, I was garage sale-ing and Jim had saw a few small bikes at a garage sale a few blocks away and said if it was smaller than the one she had to go ahead and get it.
So I did, it was a boys bike but we figured Trey would be able to use it in a few years anyway.
It didn't have training wheels but I decided to let Kyrie try it out with me holding onto the seat. She did great! Acted like it was no big deal! So we took a trip to Walmart and got a new set of training wheels and off she went!
Now the problem is she wants to ride it 24-7!

We also really lucked out at another garage sale last week - found this bicycle infant seat for $3.00 ($40.00 at walmart) and infant size helmet for $0.50! Trey loves to go riding!


  1. Kyrie, Grammie's very impressed with your bike riding!
    See you this weekend!
    What a cute little guy in a cute bike carrier too!

  2. Looks like Kyrie is having fun!!
    Nice seat for Trey, we've been wanting to get something for Jess.

  3. That picture of Trey is absolutly adorable. Not often you get that smile on camera.

  4. How fun! Caden has just got going on his too! He has ridden a trike at Mom and Dad's, but his "real bike" is now in motion! We need to get together sometime!
