Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Week(end)

Just thought I'd share a little of our 4th of July fun with you all!

Jim's brother and family stopped by on the 1st and took Kyrie with them to Alliance so she & her cousin would have some extra time together.
On Wednesday, they went to SD to see the faces, and then to storybook island and Evans plunge for some swimming fun - hot springs style!

The next day they were off to Ft. Robinson.
Kyrie didn't care for a horse back ride!

The kids had fun with all the "outdoors" toys...

Uncle Mark was equally excited about bike riding!

The guys set up the picnic table in the yard and spent a few hours at least playing farkle. Don't know who won... don't know if it matters!

The fire pit was going both Friday and Saturday night, hotdogs, brats and S'MORES!!! Did I mention we had s'mores? Boy were they good ;)

Aunt Donna had promised the kids a camp out so they headed out to the tent Friday night. It didn't last long though, Kyrie decided there were too many mosquitoes and not long after she headed in, Cousin decided that the fireworks were too loud!

Trey enjoyed hanging out with the guys. Yes, even this freaky looking dude!

Mark has been having fun with his camera, testing it's macro skills... I'd say it does a pretty good job!

Nothing like a nice long holiday weekend with the family!


  1. How fun to see pix of your weekend!
    Looks like the kids had plenty of time and opportunity for fun!
    Love the eyes Mark!!!

  2. Great pics! I can't believe how big the kiddo's are getting!

  3. was such a nice relaxing weekend. Dad's place is PERFECT for hanging out. All the shade and the fire pit. Doesn't get much better! :)

  4. Enjoyed the pictures, looks like you had a great time!

  5. Lynisha,
    So fun to look at your blog - I didn't know you had one! Fun pictures and I especially liked the family one of you all. It seems like forever since I have seen Dan and Donna. They look like a happy family. And your kids are growing up - so cute. Thanks for letting me look!
    Cari Ann

  6. Loved the pictures of your July 4th holiday. Always enjoy looking at others family celebrations.
