Monday, May 12, 2008

My Perfect Mother's Day

Happy (day late) Mother's day to all you mothers out there!
I had a wonderful mother's day!

It started out with a special mommy picture with my 2 sweet kid's

Then we attempted a family picture, but when you're taking a picture with a remote and the kid's don't know where to look since there's no one standing behind the camera.....this is the best you get!

After meeting, Jim grilled steaks and made loaded baked potatoes and we had a delicious lunch!

Dessert was of course the infamous Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Dipped Strawberries!
Jim didn't want to admit he was impressed by them but he finally said (after helping himself to a third one) that if you're going to ruin a strawberry, this is the way to do it!
The kids of course dove right in!

After my leisurely "Sunday Siesta", we went out to t he green house to get some tomato and pepper plants. Decided to wait on flowers since we need to move the flower beds first.

After supper, we took the kids in the jogging stroller for a walk to the park, and tried to walk a few of those strawberries off!

Before bed, I got a long relaxing massage compliments of my wonderful husband, followed by a long bubble bath.
What a wonderful Mother's Day!!!


  1. OH!! What a wonderful sounding (and by the pictures, looking!) day!! Love the pictures, they are both great. I need a new one badly!!
    The strawberry kids are darling, and look at lil' missy's hair...I can't believe how fast it grows!!

  2. Glad you had a good Mother's Day! Those strawberries are making my mouth water! Will have to try that recipe.

  3. Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful day. You forgot a picture of you flowers though. JR

  4. Thanks for the comment over at my house the other day. Fun to meet you via blogging. Happy Mother's Day. It looks like it tasted fantastic! ;)

  5. I'm a little late, but how do you make those cheesecake stuffed chocoloate dipped strawberries?? They sound DELISH!!!
